Council Responsibilities:
- Conduct annual periods of stewardship renewal for time, talent and treasure.
- Prepare and maintain a parish directory and a parish ministry booklet.
- Identify and help train parishioners willing to share their personal stewardship stories with others.
- Provide for prompt follow-up of stewardship of time and talent sign-ups resulting from parish ministry days or stewardship renewals.
- Organize parish ministry fairs or similar activities.
- Establish and conduct an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of stewardship-related programs and projects
- Oversee the production and distribution of parish newsletter.
- Publish stewardship thoughts in each issue of the parish bulletin.
- Make stewardship literature available in parish bookracks
- Encourage incorporation of stewardship themes in weekly homilies
- Develop a comprehensive welcoming and hospitality program
- Expand the focus of stewardship beyond parish boundaries
- Assist with Diocesan stewardship appeals in the parish