Council Responsibilities:
  1. Conduct annual periods of stewardship renewal for time, talent and treasure.
  2. Prepare and maintain a parish directory and a parish ministry booklet.
  3. Identify and help train parishioners willing to share their personal stewardship stories with others.
  4. Provide for prompt follow-up of stewardship of time and talent sign-ups resulting from parish ministry days or stewardship renewals.
  5. Organize parish ministry fairs or similar activities.
  6. Establish and conduct an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of stewardship-related programs and projects
  7. Oversee the production and distribution of parish newsletter.
  8. Publish stewardship thoughts in each issue of the parish bulletin.
  9. Make stewardship literature available in parish bookracks
  10. Encourage incorporation of stewardship themes in weekly homilies
  11. Develop a comprehensive welcoming and hospitality program
  12. Expand the focus of stewardship beyond parish boundaries
  13. Assist with Diocesan stewardship appeals in the parish
Material taken from Stewardship: A Parish Handbook by C. Justin Clements, with adaptations by and for the Diocese of Helena.