Evaluation Survey:
We are grateful to everyone who participated and helped to make this event possible. It was our first time doing a combined Catholic Youth Convention and Eucharistic Congress. Your feedback will help us plan an even better experience next year.
Catholic Youth Coalition Convention
For over 4 decades, high school youth in the Diocese of Helena have been gathering for a weekend of faith, fun, and celebration. We are excited to continue in that tradition! The event runs Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon, plus a special “Sneak Peak” on Friday night for any youth in grades 9-12.
New This Year: The CYC Convention will be running concurrently with our Eucharistic Congress! We welcome parents and families to participate in this incredible weekend: one weekend, two events, all ages. Find ore information about the Eucharistic Congress here.
Closing Mass - Livestream:
Keynote Speakers:

Tanner Kalina
Tanner is a Catholic speaker and writer currently living with his wife in Denver, Colorado. He is a Eucharistic Missionary for the National Eucharistic Revival. Alongside his speaking and missionary efforts, he is the co-creator of the Saints Alive Podcast which tells the stories of the saints to tens of thousands of families across the world. He chases holiness in his day to day, failing frequently but continuing constantly. Tanner has had the great pleasure of spreading the Gospel with ministries such as Ascension Presents, FOCUS, EWTN, NET, and others.

Sr. Jude Andrew, OP
Sr. Jude Andrew, OP, grew up outside Portland, OR, so she is very happy to see mountains again after years in the Midwest. She entered the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in 2003. She has a masters in theology from St. Charles Borromeo in Philadelphia and is pursuing one in catechesis from Franciscan University of Steubenville. She spent 13 years in the classroom, mostly at the middle school and high school levels, and is currently developing catechetical and educational resources at Openlight Media, an apostolate of her Community.

Sr. Marie Jeannette, OP
Sr. Marie Jeannette, OP is originally from Charlotte, NC and joined the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in 2011. She professed perpetual vows in 2019 has experience teaching K-12 in the general education and special education settings. She is currently assigned as the Learning Specialist at Spiritus Sanctus Academy -Plymouth.

Fr. Connor Danstrom
Chaplain at St. John Paul II Newman Center – UIC
Mundelein Seminary
B.S. Biochemistry, University of Illinois; M.Div., S.T.L. University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary
Winnetka, IL
Romans 8
Blessed Virgin Mary (If that’s cheating, then St. Patrick)
Before seminary I worked for two fire seasons for the U.S. Forest Service as a wildland firefighter.