Planning. Forming. Collaborating

We invite those who teach the faith in our parishes and schools to this overnight formation experience.

This is not a spiritual retreat. Of course, we’ll pray together and offer some time for solitude and personal spiritual reflection and prayer. But, we are intentionally offering this as a professional development experience, to provide formation and resources to those who teach the faith in parishes and schools in the Diocese of Helena.

Register: Click here

Date: Monday-Tuesday, August 12-13, 2024.

When: We will start at 11am on Monday and conclude by 2pm on Tuesday.

Where: Legendary Lodge

Who: Parish- and school-based DRE’s, teachers, youth ministers, and catechists. We invite both those who are paid and those who are volunteers, whether you are responsible for directing an entire program (e.g. “Director of Religious Education”) or if you work with a single-grade. 

What: There are two primary goals: 1) provide time and space for participants, both in solitude and in collaborative small groups with colleagues, to plan their ministry year; and 2) provide formation and training for those who are responsible for teaching the faith.

Cost: Free!

Spouses/Children: Spouses and children are welcome! We will be offering some limited childcare during the event. That looks like having a Safe Environment adult(s) manage kids in a group environment during our sessions. Parents/Guardians would, however, be responsible for their children when not in sessions (e.g. meals, at night, etc.). Children will have to stay overnight in your room, which means that we are limited on space. We will offer space on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Questions? Contact Kevin Molm in the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry:; 406.389.7055