Cody Tredik
Office of Communications
Over 550 Catholics of all ages converged at Carroll College on a snowy weekend in March for the Diocese of Helena’s annual Eucharistic Congress. This third Congress held by the Diocese is part of the ongoing Eucharistic Revival throughout the Church in the United States. The revival aims to form and deepen Catholic’s understanding of, and relationship to, the person of Jesus Christ present in the Most HolyEucharist.
The event featured prominent Catholic speakers such as Dr. John Bergsma, Chika Anyanwu, Chris Mueller, and two of the Sisters of Life, Sr. Antoniana Maria and Sr. Faustina Maria Pia. The weekend’s presentations kicked off Friday evening with programming for high school students [and a lecture from Dr. John Bergsma for adults]. As in previous years, the Eucharistic Congress included the Diocesan Catholic Youth Coalition (CYC) Convention, which provided unique content and experiences for high school youth woven throughout the weekend. After blessing the students on Friday night, Bishop Vetter said, “I know this for certain: Jesus Christ is never outdone in generosity. So be generous with him this weekend. It may not be what you expect, but take it all in and see what our Lord has in store for you.”
The whole Congress gathered for Daily Mass on Saturday morning, followed by morning sessions tailored to each age group: adults, high school, and junior high. In the afternoon, attendees had their pick of 16 breakout sessions centered on coming to know Jesus more fully in the Sacraments, prayer, and daily life.
Following dinner and an evening session with Dr. Bergsma and the Sisters of Life, the whole group made their way up the hill to All Saints Chapel for Eucharistic Adoration as fresh snow accumulated. Saturday’s schedule concluded with a dance and games for the youth, time for adult fellowship, and a lively game of Catholic trivia for Young Adults at a local restaurant.
On Sunday morning, ice and snow prevented the planned Palm Sunday procession from Carroll to the Cathedral of St. Helena. Despite this, the Congress closed on a high note with a final session with Chika Anyanwu and a beautiful Palm Sunday Mass and Eucharistic procession around the inside of the Cathedral.
In his homily, Bishop Vetter said to those in attendance, “As we feed on Jesus this morning, as we process with Jesus today through the body of this church, may we see Him journeying with us, comforting us. As he passes by you and you receive him, unite your sufferings to his. We are not alone.