“For a Synodal Church; Communion, Participation, Mission”
Pope Francis has called upon the Church to rejuvenate her synodal roots. He has opened a two-year synodal process which he hopes will reframe and renew our common journey forward. First and foremost, the Synod is a call to pray, listen, and discern together what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church today—all for the sake of the Church’s evangelizing mission.
The process began in the Local Church and then moved to the level of the Bishops’ Conference. From there, discernment takes place regionally before moving to the Universal Church with the final Synod Gathering of Bishops in Rome in 2023.
Ultimately, Pope Francis will offer a Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation based on what is presented to him throughout the process.
The work of the Synod; prayer, reflection, dialogue and listening will take place throughout the Diocese of Helena over the next several months. All are encouraged to pray, to engage with their fellow Catholics, Pastors and all the baptized as we seek the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire us.
The Diocese of Helena has completed its Synod Synopsis, a written summary of the various listening sessions that Bishop Vetter held across the Diocese. This synopsis contains a snapshot of the items addressed by the faithful, both lay and clergy, on how the Catholic Church has accompanied them well in their walk of faith, and where it can accompany them better.
The synopsis was transcribed by Bishop Vetter’s Delegate for the Synod, Maggie Phelan, and used to help draft the document that was combined with the summaries from each Diocese in Region XII to help form the National Synthesis that was sent to Rome by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The United States Conferences of Catholic Bishops has released the U.S. National Synthesis for the 2021-2023 Synod, which brings together all of the syntheses from each Diocese in the United States gathered from 15 regional syntheses, or reports.
This marks the end of the diocesan phase of the Synod, and this National synthesis will be reviewed alongside those from around the world, culminating in 2023 with an Apostolic Exhortation from Pope Francis.
The Synthesis is, among other things, an expression of what we as a Church have heard each other say when asked about our deepest preoccupations and hopes for the Church of which, by the grace of God, we are all a vital part.
Most Reverend Daniel E. Flores, STD | Chair, Committee on Doctrine
Bishop Vetter's Homily at the Mass to begin the Synod in the Diocese of Helena
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